Treleigh Community Primary School

Personal, Social & Health Education

 Mrs Wheeler - Subject Lead


 PSHE in Action...


Today Year 5 and 6 had a visit from our local police officers to deliver guidance on staying safe online. With Christmas just past us, we were aware that many of our children have new devices, including mobile phones, and this session provided awareness of the legalities surrounding App use and online presence. Thank you to Camborne, Pool and Redruth Police for supporting Treleigh in our drive to keep all our children safe.


British Values

The Masked British Value
Today year 4 showcased Treleigh’s newest quiz “The Masked British Value”. In this incredible show they taught Key Stage 2 and their parents more about the 5 British Values.
Everyone put in their best performance and challenged themselves to dance, act and entertain. All the Year 4 staff are very proud of them and the hard work they have put into this outstanding year group assembly.