Every Child. Every Day. Every Chance.
A warm welcome to Treleigh Primary School
‘It just feels right!’ During my time at Treleigh, I have heard this from parents and visitors countless times. Whilst it is hard to put into words just what it is that makes Treleigh such a warm, welcoming environment for our children to learn in, I hope our website gives you a flavour of what it is like to be part of our school community. From the moment you are greeted at Reception, taken along our vibrant corridors and into our inspiring classrooms you will want to become a part of what makes us so special.
I feel honoured to lead a team of dedicated staff who go above and beyond to ensure our children feel confident, happy, and ready to learn. It is a place where children know they matter, believe in themselves, and aspire to be the best they can be. We are extremely proud of the community we serve and believe that any school should act as a hub for community involvement. Our curriculum, designed to promote the values of ‘Thrive – Respect –Empower’ is carefully crafted to reflect this, giving the children a wealth of first-hand experiences so that they return to the classroom, inspired, thirsty to learn and prepared for future careers. We are relentless in our drive and believe that all children should receive the best possible education and outcomes regardless of their unique challenges, previous experiences, or interests – every child, every day, given every chance.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We hope it gives you a sense of what makes our
Treleigh family so special and what we aim to achieve. If you want to ‘feel’ it for yourself, please do
not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a visit.
Mr. Steve Proctor, Headteacher