Treleigh Community Primary School

Useful Documents

Staffing Structures at Treleigh

staffing structure.pdf

 Who do I ask for?


who do i ask for.pdf

Treleigh School Home School Agreement

At Treleigh it is important that parents/carers, pupils and staff, respecting each others contributions, work together to achieve the highest possible levels of success for all pupils.

Why do we need a Home School Agreement?

  • It acts as a reminder of commitments.
  • It underpins the school’s ethos and stated beliefs.
  • It acts as a clear starting point for new pupils, their parents and the school staff.
  • It provides a starting point for exploring difficulties.

 Procedure for Administering Medicine in School

As an inclusive setting, we recognise that there may be times when medication needs to be administered to ensure a child’s participation in our School. We will therefore administer medication and supervise children taking their own medication according to the procedures in tour medical needs policy.

We ask parents and carers to ask their doctor wherever possible to prescribe medication which can be taken outside of the School day. We are prepared, however, to take responsibility for those occasions when a child needs to take medication during the School day in accordance with the procedures in our policy.  We will usually only administer prescribed medication but may administer some of the counter medications according to the needs of the individual child.

A medicine administration request form must be completed and handed in to the school office. Forms can be filled in upon request or downloaded and completed in advance.  See below:


 School Closure Procedure

 In case of an emergency in which the school has to be closed at any time (due to severe weather etc), the below information details the procedures that school will follow once a decision is reached to close the school:

1. County website -The Headteacher will contact the Local Authority about details of the school closure. The information about school closure will then be placed on the Local Authority's website. Cornwall Council School Closures

2. You will be contacted via the school messenger service Arbor.

3. School Website and Social Media – We will also update our school website and Facebook page to provide any additional information.

4. Class Dojo will be used as a platform to support home learning during school closure.

We will endeavour to provide as much notice as possible of any school closure. This is of course difficult on the first day of closure due to inclement weather, however should the school have to remain closed for more than one day we will normally advise parents by 5pm. This will allow parents sufficient time to make arrangements for the following day.

We would ask parents to avoid phoning the school during extreme weather but to rely on the websites. During closures we have always managed to maintain a skeleton staff, but the few staff who do arrive at school are usually fully occupied manning the telephones and securing the site.

While we will endeavour to keep the school open, it is important to be well prepared. Our school closure policies and procedures can be found below:


Support with the cost of living

At Treleigh we understand that the cost of supporting your children through school can put pressure on your household budgets. 

We understand how difficult it can be when children are unable to participate in activities in the way they would like to, when costs get in the way. We want all our pupils to feel comfortable and confident in school and be able to participate in everything that is on offer.  We want to do all we can to make every school day affordable for all our families and to help you find the support you might need if you have money concerns.

Getting help

It can be difficult to talk about money worries.  People finding it hard to make ends meet often hang on and try and sort things out themselves; not seeking help until the situation has become very difficult.  Whatever the issues you are facing we would encourage you to ask for support before things get that way.  There is no shame in seeking support and both the school and the help organisations listed below will help with sensitivity and confidentiality.

Please talk to us about your concerns so that we can work together to ensure your child can access everything on offer whatever the cost. Just pop in the office and ask to speak to any member of our senior leadership team, who will be happy to help.

There are also many sources of support from both local and national organisations. Here are some key agencies that we recommend: