Class Dojo
We are proud at Treleigh to be using the Class DOJO system. We hope that this will help our whole school community feel a little more connected.
Features of the Class DOJO include:
- Individual Messenger. - This function is for reception class parents only. This allows you to message your child's class teacher, within normal working hours - please do not expect staff to respond out of these hours.
- Class Story. - This will be updated from time to time, allowing you to see what your child has been doing in school.
- School Story - This will also be updated from time to time, allowing you to see what the whole school have been doing.
You can access Class Dojo on a web browser (through a laptop or computer) but we would recommend that you download the free Class Dojo app to your phone or tablet and sign in there for the best experience.
The purpose of ClassDojo is to give parents an insight into the learning of their child in the classroom by providing a point of discussion with the child outside the classroom. The main ways in which this is done is via images of activity in the class, with a short text description. It is a closed system which can only be shared with parents who have been provided with a login. The system is closed to either just a particular class, or it is possible to share whole school events.
It is not a communication link between a parent and teachers for important information, as there is no guarantee the teacher will pick up the message during the day. Messages should be sent via the School Office, for example if a different person is collecting a child home or details of medical appointments. Teachers may use Dojo for non-essential class information e.g. trip reminders, asking for help, to highlight pupil achievements, or check letters have reached home. Information about trips and events will always be communicated in a letter/email too.
Please do not use Class DOJO for letting school know if your child is absent, please ring the office 01209 216600; also if you have any queries please speak directly to your child's class teacher, rather than the messaging service.
Teacher’s Roles
- Award Dojo points if the class teacher is using them
- Post images of learning in the classroom, school trips, residential visits, to share with parents
- Be aware of online safety in regard to images of pupils
- Display images in line with parental consent
- Use the messaging service with parents to inform about low key information; homework reminders, asking for parental help, reminders, thanking for support etc.
- Not to use ClassDojo in a negative manner
Parent’s Roles
- To use as a tool for finding out key updates and information about learning in class.
- Not to share images on social media
Take a look at the videos below to help you get set up. If you are still having difficulties, please contact the school office.
Connecting as a parent on mobile devices
Tips for parents using the mobile app
Connecting as a parent on the web
Parent Help Desk
All the information you give will be kept private and the Class Dojo privacy policy states that no information will be passed on. Please follow the link to read the privacy policy: