At Treleigh we seek to ensure that all its pupils receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each pupil to realise his/her true potential. The school will strive to provide a welcoming, caring environment, whereby each member of the school community feels wanted and secure. All school staff will work with pupils and their families to ensure each pupil attends school regularly and punctually.
We have established an effective system of incentives and rewards that acknowledges the efforts of pupils to improve their attendance and timekeeping and will challenge those pupils and parents who give low priority to attendance and punctuality.
To meet these objectives Treleigh will establish an effective and efficient system of communication with pupils, parents and appropriate agencies to provide mutual information, advice and support.
Pupils must arrive in school in time for their register times in class as follows:
• EYFS: 08:30
• Y1/2: 08:35
• Y3/4: 08:40
• Y5/6: 08:45
The register for the first session will be taken at these times and will be kept open for a 15-minute window. The register for the second session will also be kept open for 15 minutes after the following times:
• EYFS: 12:30
• Y1/2: 12:30
• Y3/4: 13:00
• Y5/6: 13:00
Pupils arriving at school after their arrival time must enter and report to the school office to be signed in by an adult. Pupils leaving school for any reason must report to the office before they go so that we can ensure that they are appropriately chaperoned and signed out.
Why is attendance and punctuality important?
Regular attendance and good punctuality are vital to the educational achievements and personal development of your child. Pupils who attend regularly can fully benefit from the academic, personal and social opportunities offered to them at Treleigh Primary School.
Improving attendance is everyone’s responsibility!
We have high expectations for all pupil’s attendance and we expect your child to be in school and on time and ready to learn each day.
We celebrate all children who achieve 100% and aim for all children to be above 96%.
There is a link between good school attendance and high level attainment. Regardless of the reason, if your child is absent from school it will impact their learning.
Punctuality matters!
When your child arrives late at school, they miss the teacher’s instructions and the introduction to the lesson. Your child may also feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late.
Frequent lateness can add up to a considerable amount of learning lost and can seriously disadvantage your child.
How should I notify school if my child is absent?
- Contact the school on the first day your child is absent, either by telephone (01209 216600) or via Arbor, stating the reason for absence and the expected date of return. If we do not have a reason for non attendance, expect a phone call or home visit.
- If an absence continues, you must contact the school office again each day your child is unable to attend.
If your child’s absence has already been highlighted as a cause for concern, you may be asked to provide evidence to support the absence. This will be in the form of an appointment card for a medical appointment, an appointment text sent to a parent or proof of prescribed medication. This should be taken to the office in order for the absence to be authorised.
If a child is feeling mildly unwell but the symptoms are manageable with non-prescribed medication, such as Calpol for example, we will not authorise a full day’s absence. We encourage parents to treat their children at home and then bring them into school, if they are well enough to do so.
Absence will only be authorised when a satisfactory reason has been provided.
We work closely with Cornwall Council to improve attendance at Treleigh. You may be asked to speak with an attendance officer if we have concerns about your child’s absence.
Holidays During Term Time
Our school follows the Cornwall Council attendance policy which outlines the procedure for requests for holidays during term time. See below for the for a copy.
All requests for term time leave must be made to the Head Teacher by filling in the Term Time Leave Request Form, which is available from the school office or can be downloaded below.
Only in exceptional circumstances will leave be authorised. Unauthorised term time leave of 10 sessions (equivalent to 5 days) or more may result in a penalty (fine) in the first instance, increasing to prosecution (legal action) for repeat offences. Any prosecution is carried out by Cornwall Council on behalf of the school.
If the school has reason to believe a term time leave had been taken without request, it is your responsibility to prove otherwise (doctors appointment card, proof of medication etc.).
You will be informed by letter as to the outcome of your term time leave request.
Exceptional Circumstances
Situations the headteacher may consider exceptional could include major family events, such as the wedding of a parent, or funeral services. Birthdays and shopping trips are not exceptional circumstances and neither is the lower cost of holidays during term time.
It is very unlikely a leave of absence will be granted for the purposes of a family holiday. Leave during SATS tests in Y6 or at the start of a new term will not be authorised.