Treleigh Community Primary School

Our Governors 


The Treleigh Governing Body (ID 1232)

School governors have three main roles:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the school, pupils and performance management of the staff;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school.

The governors work closely with the headteacher and staff to ensure that the school is the best that it can possibly be.  Governors are volunteers who work under the principles of public life; selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability openness, honesty and leadership.  They endeavour to uphold all of these values in all that they do. 

The full governing body meets each half term.

Each governor holds a monitoring area of responsibility within the school.  Governors conduct monitoring visits on particular aspects of the School Improvement Plan linked to their area of responsibility.

Our current governors, their terms of office and their monitoring link roles are below:

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Governor Link Roles and Responsibilities - 2024/2025

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Governor meeting attendance log 

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Governors' Annual Statement and Impact Report - 2023/24