Treleigh Community Primary School

Friends of Treleigh 

Welcome to Treleigh School's PTA


We would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to Treleigh's Parent Teacher Association (PTA) 'Friends of Treleigh'. We are very much looking forward to meeting you all.

What is 'Friends of Treleigh?'

The PTA is your Parent Teacher Association, and our role is much more than simply fundraising. We provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring parents together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. It is also a great way to meet new people, make friends and have fun.

We have three main aims, to:

  • Support you and your family on your journey through the school
  • Raise funds to enhance and enrich the provision of positive learning experiences for the children 
  • Run a series of events and activities throughout the year to make the school year fun and memorable for everyone

What can the PTA do for you?

Alongside our role of raising money, we are here for you.  We can act as your voice to represent your ideas to the school in our official capacity. We can also help signpost you to useful information and resources. 

You can contact us directly as individuals or via the PTA email address detailed above. 

Who are the PTA?

The Committee:  Are all volunteers elected at the AGM. Our roles are as follows:

Chairperson: Samantha Williams                          

FOT Volunteer Coordinator: Michelle Hill           

Learn more about our volunteers



Further Information:

Parents and Guardians:

As a parent or guardian you are also automatically a member of the PTA for the duration of your child’s attendance at Treleigh. We actively encourage all parents or guardians to get involved in any way they can so that we can continue to support each other, raise funds for the school and maintain the strong community that makes Treleigh School the wonderful place it is.  

How does the PTA raise money?

  • Apply for funding grants and funding to support specific goals and opportunities
  • Run a series of fundraising events 
  • Offer sponsorship opportunities for local businesses 

Where does the money go?

Throughout the academic year we support school trips, equipment purchase, building improvements and events for the children, such as the Christmas Fair and Year 6 leavers celebrations. 

We will let you know specific fundraising goals and where the money has or will be spent as soon as they are agreed.

How can you help us?

We would love you to be involved in whatever capacity you are able to. There will be opportunities throughout the year, be that baking a cake, helping out during events, or providing professional expertise. 

We will keep you up to date with a regular newsletter, via our dedicated Facebook page or by email. 

Past Fundraising Events

 Annual Rainbow Run

 Annual Christmas Fayre


 Annual Summer Fair