Treleigh Community Primary School

Curriculum Vision and Overview

We are extremely proud of our curriculum offer at Treleigh. Through relevance and depth, it teaches pupils the highest level of skills, knowledge and understanding that they will need to prepare them for the world, within a progressive, inspiring and fun curriculum. 


We have a coherent curriculum that is well sequenced. We cover all National Curriculum requirements within a framework that we have designed to reflect the context of our school. The teaching of our curriculum is ambitious and allows for greater depth and exploration into subject areas. Our enquiry-led approach allows for transferable concepts that help children to know more, remember more and for them to make clear links with their knowledge. We ensure that children can see the connection between subjects within a relevant and exciting context. This approach provides opportunities for real, hands-on experiences to excite and engage. Furthermore, it allows us to continue to place emphasis on creativity and immersive learning experiences.

Exciting, innovative lessons lead to clearly defined end points, whether that is the end of a lesson, series of lessons or the end of the academic year or phase. Lessons are rich in vocabulary in order to ensure that every child in our school has the opportunity for academic success and to ensure that high standards are maintained. Our school environment is conducive to learning. 

Our curriculum is taught through a dynamic, enquiry approach which appeals to children and excites their interests. Each phase teaches through a unique, half termly whole school enquiry question, which acts as a stimulus for learning. Our curriculum maps for each learning phase can be found in the long-term overviews. Details of each curriculum area's intent, long term road map, skills and knowledge progression can be found within each subject's dedicated website page (see drop down menu under 'Curriculum'). 


Underpinning our ‘curriculum design’ are our key curriculum pillars. These shape our curriculum, bring about the aims and values of our school and respond to the needs of the school community.

Our key curriculum values for our school are: 

These values thread through our planning, teaching and learning across the whole school, ensuring that our ethos is consistent and progressive from Reception to Year 6. They permeate our curriculum, alongside the British Values of Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance, Democracy and the Rule of Law, preparing our pupils for modern Britain and for life beyond Treleigh. Our children will journey through Treleigh as curious, creative and independent citizens, with their passion for learning ignited and with their self-belief, respect for others, independence and wellbeing nurtured. Every child will have the chance to shine and will leave the school prepared for a future of possibilities…..


Every child.  Every day.  Every chance.


Underpinning all this is The Treleigh Way which guides our learning, our relationships and our actions. This together with high quality teaching ensures that our pupils develop transferable skills, with the knowledge, concepts and values that will help them to thrive not only in West Cornwall but as responsible global citizens. Further information about the ‘The Treleigh Way’ and how it is used in school can be found here.

treleigh way poster.pdf

Personal Development

At Treleigh CP School, we recognise that the primary years are a key time for children to develop their own identity and aspirations for the future. As well as academic achievement, it is essential that children are given opportunities, through our curriculum and beyond, for them to develop as people. We value the vital role we can play in helping children to prepare for their adult lives so they can go on to engage and contribute positively within society. The opportunities we can offer them whilst at Treleigh will impact on their future, helping them to develop the core values we hold at the school:

Our vision for Personal Development is For all our children to leave Treleigh School equipped with a deep-rooted culture of respect, knowledge and personal aspirations to face any challenges in and beyond our local community.

Overview of Provision

The document below gives an overview of our Personal Development provision for in five broad areas; mental well-being; physical development; cultural capital; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development & British values; relationships, sex education.
