Treleigh Community Primary School


All children entering the Reception class attend full time from September and applications need to be made in the preceding autumn term.  Other in-year admissions to the school happen throughout the school year and applications are made as appropriate.  
If you wish to apply for your child to attend Treleigh School, you will need to complete an application form on the Cornwall Council website, which gives full information about the application process.  Please follow this link:

Changing school or joining a school during the school year ('in year') - Cornwall Council 

If there is space in the year group, the place will be allocated, the Council will notify you and the school will be informed.  We will then contact you to arrange a start date.  If the year group is full the school will be asked if it is possible to exceed our published admission number which may be possible depending on circumstances at the time.  Once again, the Council will let you know.  If your application is unsuccessful you have the right to appeal.



Please see below for our admissions arrangements: